
Search Capital Partners - Search Funds Investors


Our Philosophy: Investing with Vision

Explore our innovative approach to the world of Search Funds and discover how Search Capital Partners invests to grow the Search Fund ecosystem

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We are the Ideal Partners for Ambitious Searchers

We provide you with the levers to raise the potential of your Search Fund, jointly selecting investments that accelerate your growth and the achievement of your goals

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We trust and invest in Searchers

Experience and Support. Your success as a Searcher is our mission. Maximum commitment to supporting searchers with the capital of our investors

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Search Funds Investors

We invest smart capital in high-potential search funds

Investors in

Search Funds

Searchers, contact us: we support your ambitious projects


Among the Italian Pioneers of Funds of Search Funds: Search Capital Partners Leads the Transformation of SMEs by Supporting Future Entrepreneurs.

Our Team

Search Capital Partners® is created by entrepreneurs with years of expertise in M&A, Management, and direct management of Search Funds, with the goal of:

Providing capital, mentorship, and essential strategic networks for the successful scale-up of SMEs.

Creating synergy between intelligent capital and the visionary leadership of Searchers.

On the spot

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